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Keep A Well Maintain Bonsai Tree

Posted by admin on Jul 9, 2010 in Uncategorized

bonsai trees

If you want a bonsai ranking or if you are opinion of having one but don’t have enough expertise about it, you might want to lead manually in before getting one. You first indigence to learn the basics about bonsai ranking tending. Taking heed of a bonsai foliage isn’t as tranquil as winning fear of any other factory that wants the standard watering, sunlight exposure, and fertilizer. In fact, it is fairly challenging since it involves several different factors start with the brand of bonsai ranking that you have.

You have to be alert when taking tension of your bonsai ranking. Its container provides little protection, water and nutrients can certainly be useless.

When watering your bonsai, you have to ponder the species of your ranking. Some species can tolerate continuous dampness while others increase in instances of dry periods. As a common ruling, thwart minder watering because it makes your bonsai hierarchy more vulnerable to fungal infections and may affect the roots to rot.

Meanwhile, there should also be some protection to keep the humidity in the soil and prevent it from briefly drying due to bend and sun exposure. Excessive drying of the soil will supply heavy injury to the roots of your bonsai hierarchy and is the quickest way to eradicate your conceal. Another critical factor in bonsai hierarchy bother is about putting fertilizers on your hierarchy. Because bonsai grass are enclosed in small pots, they have limited soil so nutrients are scarce. Thus, your bonsai desires three foremost ingredients – nitrogen, potash, phosphoric acid. Your bonsai will poverty minus feed in give and more in the reduction.

Providing your bonsai hierarchy the adequate quantity of sunlight is also essential to keep your hierarchy deluxe. If you have a covered bonsai tree, situate your bonsai near the period to sense enough light exposure. However, if it is an outdoor bonsai tree, you have to appropriate a shade to control the light being usual by your tree as too much sun exposure may dry the soil. Lastly, the babies bonsai tree is generally repotted every two time and becomes less as it matures. Repotting and rummage-pruning helps the bonsai to grow as new roots grow to absorb more damp and nutrients efficiently.

A well-maintained bonsai tree provides a pleasing feel. By following these tips, you are cool to have its beauty for many days.

Want to find out about growing peach trees and canning peaches? Get tips from the Peach Facts website.

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What Is A Bonsai Tree?

Posted by admin on Jul 9, 2010 in Uncategorized

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They are a lot of reasons why someone will want to add a bonsai tree into the decor of any room. You should know that the bonsai tree is a type of Japanese tree and they happen to be very hard to keep. A lot of people will get a miniature tree to place into a bowl or such and then put the pot or bowl on the table. Keep in mind that you will also want to put one of these trees into your home because of the type of tree it is. You will be able to find peace in the home when you take the time to grow a bonsai tree and also to care for a bonsai tree. You will also want to keep in mind that the peace that you bring to your home can be shared and brought into the office.

When it comes to the places that you will want to have a bonsai tree will be in various rooms of the home and don’t forget the office. The office is a perfect place for you to place a bonsai tree bring it seems to bring centered peace and calmness to any room and it will be perfect when it comes to greeting the customers and also keeping you relaxed. You will want to consider a few things when it comes to the bonsai tree.

You will want to consider that these are very special plants. Something that you will want to keep in mind is added it to an indoor room garden or planting the tree in a dry soil. Keep in mind that when you have a sand and rock garden, the bonsai makes perfect sense as an addition. You will want to have the bonsai tree as a conversational piece and something that will help you to find relaxation. You will want to keep in mind that even though they are very little trees you will still find it a to be very needy and you’ll have to work hard to make your bonsai tree looking really nice.

There is a lot of things that you will want to do when it comes to the upkeep of the plant, but once you look past the little bit of work you will be able to enjoy your bonsai tree. You will also find that there is just something about adding one of these trees to your home or office that you will be able to get everyone’s attention and all your co-workers or clients will comment on how great it is for you to add one of these to your decor. Bonsai trees really can enhance the look and feel of any room or office.

Who else wants to discover the step by step secrets the bonsai masters use to create stunning bonsai trees – with very little work? Find out here at

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Beginner Bonsai Trees

Posted by admin on Jul 8, 2010 in Uncategorized

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This summer it is time to do a bit more with your time besides working and worrying about every little thing. Take the time to do hobbies that you love and decompress in your own way. One of the most loosening things that you have the power to do with your time is to grow a plant that you love.

This plant has the ability to be grown inside or out betting on what is easier for you. You can even discover something that can live in both spots to supply you with more mixture and the distance you need to work with. You will wish to make sure that you pick out your plant carefully and if you have not done anything similar to this before you will wish to buy something that is slightly easier to grow and will not die fast if you make a mistake.

If you are looking to grow a plant that is much more difficult and stunning to look at then you might want to consider a Bonsai tree. This are miniature sized trees that have become quite common throughout the years. Numerous times we see silk variants of them that are sold as ornaments – but the true trees are just as beautiful though they can be some of the hardest to grow.

If you think that this is still a job that you would like to take on then you have to choose a beginner Bonsai. You can utilize almost any type of tree and try to grow it in miniature form – but there are a few that can be simpler and more gorgeous then others. The beginner kinds include the Cherry Blossom, Juniper, Azalea, Japanese Maple, and Cotoneaster.

See your local plant nursery and ask them if they can supply you with one of these beginner Bonsai Trees. Make sure that you understand what climate they have to live in, what tools you need, and everything you need to to learn about growing and cutting one of them. Before you know it you can have something beautiful to show off and to look at.

Learn some useful Bonsai Tree Tips that will help you to grow your very first Beginner Bonsai.

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Tips On Choosing A Good Bonsai Tree

Posted by admin on Jul 8, 2010 in Uncategorized

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I remember when I was a little girl and how much I couldn’t wait to go to my grandparents house. They had a large yard that they landscaped and planted beautiful plantsand trees that made a place in which we had the ability to unwind and simply sit and think. It was them that gave me the aspiration to begin my own garden.

I am somebody with big dreams and decided to start with a Bonsai. This is a particular technique that is utilized on unique trees to make them appear miniature. This technique came from Japan and is not just unique – but also quite beautiful. Still, it is also one of the hardest things to do.

You can use nearly any type of tree to apply this technique on. Most trees are easy to get your hands on and may be discovered in many sites in the United States. Maple is one of the more common of tree species and is great to have. But if you wish to have something that is truly unusual then you should get something that is even more pleasant and also tricky to acquire.

When in search of the right kind of Bonsai tree you should find something that you will love to look at. If this is something that you are new at then try to acquire something that is easier to grow. Visit your local nursery and ask them what is best to grow in your area and what kind of care it might need.

You may be able to acquire some unusual Bonsai trees that are stunning to look at and are hard to find anywhere else. You may be able to grow them inside or outside. It depends on how they develop and what is better for the tree.

Many people choose Unique Bonsai Trees because they are more beautiful to look at. It is important to understand the right way to Prune Bonsai Trees so that it can grow properly.

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Care Of Bonsai Trees: Fungi – Three Things To Look Out For

Posted by admin on Jul 7, 2010 in Uncategorized

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Despite our best efforts with our care of bonsai trees, our trees can get diseases and we need to be able to identify them and know how to combat such fungal infections such as mildew, rusts and black spot.

Mildew is a white mould forming on the foliage. It extracts the sap from the tree. It then spores over winter and emerges with the buds and foliage in the spring.

Rusts are another fungal disease that causes raised brown and or orange areas on the underside of leaves. This is especially found in Beech or Birch species.

Black Spot is a cluster of black spots on the surface of the leaves which results in the foliage turning yellow and then dropping off. This type of fungi is commonly found on Chinese Elms.

You need to be aware with your care of bonsai trees, that there are three main ways to treat fungi so it is best to think about what you are trying to achieve and match that up with the appropriate type of fungicide before you treat your tree.

1. PROTECTANT is a fungicide that will shield healthy tissue from invasion.

2. ERADICANT will kill fungi that have already invaded the plant.

3. SYSTEMIC fungicide spreads within the plant and can protect areas that have not been directly affected by the fungi.

The following is a list of chemicals that appear to work best on fungal infections:

Mildew: Triadimefon

Rust: Chlorothalonil, Mancozeb, Propiconazole

Black Spot: as per the others above and Benomyl

When trying out fungal treatment, it is best that you do not treat the entire area until you gauge how that particular fungicide affects your tree. Just start by treating a small piece of the tree and see how it responds before going over the whole plant.

Fungus is spread via water and thrives in warm wet conditions. Before you water your tree, check to see if there is any fungus. If you see that there is, it is best that you do not spray too much water onto the foliage as the water helps the spores to travel. Also consider that during long periods of warm rainy weather it is best to shelter your tree from the rain for a while so to give it a spell from those warm, wet conditions.

As is always the case, prevention is better than the cure and this holds true with the care of bonsai trees. You can assist your tree to ward off infections by keeping your tree healthy and seeing that it is fed and watered adequately, given plenty of fresh air and sunshine, kept dust and debris free and not placed under any unnecessary stress.

In addition to all your regular care of bonsai trees, stay on the lookout for fungi and get rid of them quickly so that your tree will continue to thrive in good health.

If you would like to find out more on the best way to take care of bonsai trees bonsai trees care

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Caring For Bonsai

Posted by admin on Jul 7, 2010 in Uncategorized

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Learn the step by step method of taking care of bonsai tree. – These are the bonsai essential tips.

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iBonsai, ambient iphone art

Posted by admin on Jul 6, 2010 in Uncategorized

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Ambient movie made with Bonsai trees grown with iBonsai iphone application, film and music by simpliphonic

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Bonsai Trees: Where Did They Come From?

Posted by admin on Jul 5, 2010 in Uncategorized

bonsai trees

Where it All Begins

Bonsai trees make great gifts, there’s no doubt about that. But where did these small trees come from? It’s tempting to think they come from Japan, and you’d be partially right, but it doesn’t begin there. Read on to discover a bit about the interesting history of these potted trees.

In ancient China between the period of 500 and 1,000 B.C., monks had the idea of taking trees into their temples to bring a sense of serenity and nature indoors. Thus began the art of “Pen T’sai,” which flourished among monks and high society. These traveling monks eventually brought the art of Pen T’sai and their religions eastward to Korea and Japan.

Eastward to Japan

Japan is better known for their skill in the art of bonsai, because they took it to a new aesthetic level and introduced it to Europe and the United States as well. Most bonsai plants since World War II come from Japan to the West.

The art continues to be practiced in Japan today, but it has become available more commonly to Westerners and other cultures. Some still believe that the art is mystical or magical, but it’s only esoteric because it isn’t well understood by many. The same gardening principles in horticulture apply to caring for bonsai.

Bonsai can be studied and designed to satisfy an aesthetic mind, or simply as gifts that bring a sense of peace or prosperity to any environment.

Bonsai trees come in many types, visit to view more images of these fascinating plants.

The bonsai tree is very interesting to me for numerous reasons. It used to be regarded as having mystical or magical energy in ancient China, where the art originated and was known as “Pen T’sai.” When the art moved eastward to Korea and Japan it changed, and became known as bonsai (pronounced “bone-sigh”).

It’s an art form primarily focused on aesthetics, but can be used by masters as a form of personal or political expression. The limits are of the imagination. Americans can now easily attain bonsai trees online and practice the art or simply enjoy the serenity of nature indoors with these small potted trees.

Visit my site for more in-depth information on the art of bonsai.

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The Best Tips for Growing Your Juniper Bonsai Tree – Part II

Posted by admin on Jul 4, 2010 in Uncategorized

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In the previous article we touched on the bonsai care subjects of watering, fertilizing, and the appropriate levels of humidity and sunlight essential to keep your juniper vibrant. In this Part II we will go over the matters of re-potting, pruning, caring for your juniper through the winter, and bug control.

Pruning Your Juniper Bonsai

Always in the springtime, and then perhaps once again in the fall, buds (brand new growth) will form on the tips of the juniper bonsai tree branches. When you observe this new growth you must get rid of the buds by pinching them off. If left on, the branches on the tree will develop fast growing shoots and the tree is going to look disheveled. You shouldn’t begin the process of pinching the buds until at least four weeks after the new growth very first appears in late spring. Older more mature foliage also needs to be taken off in the spring. This will reduce the amount of inner growth and allow the sun to pass through without difficulty and more air to circulate. Whenever you notice fresh growth in the course of the usual growing season of summer you should also pinch it off. This will always keep the plant looking tidy and will help to maintain it’s proper shape.

Your juniper bonsai won’t be hurt, at all, from this pinching of new growth. Pinching is, in reality, the way by which you are going to miniaturize and shape your juniper to become and stay a bonsai.

Re-potting Your Juniper Bonsai

Young junipers, those less than five years old, will really benefit from being re-potted every second year. And once they get to 5 to 6 years of age they should then only be re-potted every 3rd year. A free-draining soil mixture must be used. The best times for repotting junipers are in the early spring and autumn. If you see that your juniper is suffering from root rot while you are repotting you’ll need to cut off all of the impacted roots, then re-pot using only sphagnum moss as opposed to soil. Let it grow in the moss for a full year after which re-pot into good, free-draining soil. When you’ve completed re-potting your plant you need to water it very thoroughly. Then keep the tree in a shady location until the roots have recovered.

Root Pruning

Dependant upon how old your juniper bonsai is you will need to re-pot it every 2-5 years. This is actually the very best time for you to prune the plants roots and keeping it from being root-bound. Very carefully remove the tree from it’s pot, and after that clear away some of the soil from around the rootball. It will be safe to trim off about 1/3 of the juniper’s roots. Immediately after pruning the roots, put the plant back in it’s pot in a mixture of potting soil and sand in a 3:1 proportion. Let it soak in a solution of transplant shock supplement, and spray with water a couple of times daily for 2 weeks.

Keeping Pests Under Control

Spider mites can cause substantial harm to junipers, and are notably bad indoors (which is yet another valid reason to keep them outdoors). Develop a regimen to spray for pesky insects no less than once per month with any kind of insecticide suitable for your household plants and designed to kill spider mites. Be sure you spray other close-by plants at the same time that might also be home to the spider mites.

How to Care for Your Juniper in Winter

Your juniper tree will need a rest period during winter so as to continue to be healthy, and for that reason it should be kept in a location where the temperature will not exceed 60F degrees throughout the winter. If you keep your juniper outside the house ensure that you guard it from severe drying winds. This can be accomplished by working with cold frames, window wells, enclosed unheated rooms, or mulch beds.

Your juniper bonsai tree does best when it has a “winter” in order to complete it’s natural cycle. Place it in a cool place in the winter, the colder the better. A freeze followed by an abrupt and quick rise in temperature will hurt your bonsai. Which means you could well be doing your plant much more harm than good by bringing it inside soon after it’s been subjected to freezing temperatures. The freeze alone won’t cause harm to your juniper. When the temperature remains below 50F during the wintertime your juniper bonsai will only need indirect light. And, if the temperatures stay below 50F degrees over the winter then the plant will not require much water.

If you don’t have a shed or a basement or another cold location to reproduce winter, and so you have to keep your juniper in the house, attempt to keep it somewhere where it is out of direct sunlight. During winter, continuing to keep your juniper’s foliage moist is very important should you be growing it indoors. It should be sprayed with a mister once or twice per day.

Japanese bonsai gardening is a hobby that is fascinating, affordable, and easy to get involved in. Bonsai can be enjoyed by people of all ages, and can last a lifetime. Click this link to learn more about growing your very own juniper bonsai tree: Juniper Bonsai Tree, and sign up for your FREE 7-part introductory mini-course on how to grow miniature bonsai trees. Or, to get started growing your own bonsai trees trees right away check out the highly regarded “how-to” bonsai book “Beautiful Bonsai Secrets”.

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Tips for Growing Bonsai Trees

Posted by admin on Jul 4, 2010 in Uncategorized

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Growing and enjoying lush green trees are the luxuries that not many can afford these days as people are increasingly dwelling in apartments. Apartments also do not provide enough scope for people to indulge in their hobby gardening. However, there are many who have found an alternative — Bonsai. It’s the art of growing trees in containers that originated in China around 1,000 years ago, and later was developed by Japanese. In many houses today, around the world, one can find bonsai trees giving the soothing green touch to the living room setting. In addition to trees, plants and also shrubs can be developed into a bonsai.

Bonsai is often considered a piece of art, and to grow bonsai trees, one requires expertise and patience. The miniature form of the tree takes around five years to develop. It’s usually developed from a seed or cutting. A comprehensive research is required on how to develop a tree, the kind of soil one should use, watering process, environmental requirements, and other requirements. A number of books, written by experts, are available in the market on Bonsai techniques. Also, one can find comprehensive information online. It’s also a good idea to consult a Bonsai expert before buying the container to grow 6 inches to 3 ft tall tree.

One should consider the geographical location and accordingly select the tree species. The selection of the container is as important as selecting the plant that one wants to develop into bonsai tree.  The size and style of the tree depends on the container, and also it should be aesthetically appealing. The selected tree should be pruned to give it the desired shape, and the some of the branches should be wired. Before, transferring the tree to the bonsai pot, a lot of the roots should be cut. It’s important to understand the soil make-up before covering the root with it.

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